Time to Pull Up

Time to Pull Up

Nature has arranged the human body in such a way that two biggest muscles of the back, the lats and the traps can actually be seen, not only from the…
The Super Routine

The Super Routine

There is a more advanced routine which is known as the Super Routine, this routine has been around for some time and is extremely popular.,Warm -up Rope Skipping, 200 -…
Building the Lower Legs

Building the Lower Legs

Calves used to be the bugbear of bodybuilders all over the world, this changed with the introduction of the standing calf machine enabled bodybuilders to use very heavy poundage's each…
Body Fat Percentage

Body Fat Percentage

They used to call it definition; today we use a different term, body fat percentage. There is an undeniable movement towards ultimate definition these days, at least around show time.…